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5 Benefits of Infloor Heating Systems

Infloor heating systems offer home owners several benefits. The advantages of using this type of heating system include increased comfort, energy savings, lower maintenance costs,   and air quality benefits. In this article, we will explain each of these benefits in greater detail.

The cold weather  in the winter months, can be unpleasant if you aren’t prepared for it. That is why you need to find the best heating solution for your spac.

Infloor heating systems can be adapted to your individual needs and designed for any type of floor.

What are Infloor Heating Systems and how do they work?

Infloor heating systems are also known as radiant heating systems. They are used to heat the entire floor of the home or building using either electric resistance elements, hot water tubes or hot water panels. This type of heating system is different from forced air heating that makes use of ducts and vents.

Infloor heating systems should be considered by anyone who wants to install a new system or add to an existing forced-air system. .

The following benefits of Infloor heating systems illustrate how this type of heating system is applicable for all spaces.

Benefits of Using Infloor Heating

Infloor Heating systems  are a great solution  when looking to find  an efficient way to heat your space.  Your space will be comfortable throughout the winter months.. Here are some reasons why you should install an Infloor heating system.


With a regular forced air system, your floors may still remain cold. However, by choosing infloor heating, it adds comfort with evenly distributed warm floors. You will also notice less temperature fluctuations. You may not want all areas of your environment to be the same temperature. Infloor heating allows you the option of zone controls. Each room can be temperature controlled individually.

Energy Savings

New condensing boilers with a high efficiency rating saves you energy. Older infloor heating systems used hot water from your hot water tank or less energy efficient boilers. These tanks and boilers had a poor efficiency rating. It would be recommended to upgrade to a new boiler if you have an older system.

Promotes Overall Health

Infloor heating reduces air pollutants in your home and improves air quality because it heats objects rather than just circulating  dust throughout the home by forced air. This helps to improve the air quality. Foced air is typically dryer than radiant heating. By choosing infloor heating you will maintain a better humidity level in your environment.

Safety (Snow Melt Systems)

This solution is great for driveways, walkways and ramps. This prevents slips when there’s icy conditions. This solution acts similarly to infloor heating. It can be used in both home and office applications.